

Stream video to dummy web cam device

ffmpeg -re -i <INPUT> -f v4l2 /dev/video2

Concatenate audio files with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <INPUT FILE> -c copy output.wav INPUT FILE in form of file '/dir/to/file' file '/dir/to/file' etc.

Compress wave file ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i <input> <output>


start the pihole docker

These have to be disabled because they are using the DNS ports (53 and 67)

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
docker container start pihole

Change pihole password

sudo pihole -a -p

Configure pihole to allow switch minecraft

pihole -a hostrecord <SERVER IP> Or go to <IP>/admin Local DNS records Add new Domain: Add new Ip Address: <SERVER IP>

Open bash in the docker container

docker exec -it <docker name> bash

  • i = interactive
  • t = Allocate a pseudo-tty

Renable DNS service

sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

VirtualBox (vboxmanage)

VirtualBox make drive image from hard ware device

sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -rawdisk <disk> -filename <output>

VirtualBox can't see USB devices

You will likely need to logout and back in if not then reboot. sudo adduser $USER vboxusers


set volume above 100%

pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 <percent>%

Wake-On-LAN for server

sudo etherwake -i <interface> <macaddress>

ln -s </full/path/to/source> <dest>

Add folder to $PATH on Linux

export PATH="/new/path:$PATH" to make permanent add line above to ~/.bashrc

Pipe terminal output to file


Set timezone Linux

sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York

Change hostname Linux

hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>

Edit /etc/hosts and replace old host name with new one

Login without password SSH

Generate SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 Copy keys to target server ssh-copy-id <USERNAME>@<SERVERNAME>


crontab -e

Speedtest CLI

speedtest-cli --csv divide values by <DOWNLOAD>/1000/1000 to get mbps

Leave command running after logout

screen - opens bash terminal, leave by Ctrl+A + d screen -ls show open screens screen -r resume screen screen -r <PID> resume screen by PID

tmux version

tmux - opens bash terminal, leave by Ctrl+b + d tmux ls list open tmux tmux attach -t <number> attach to tmux instance

Add basic system startup

Add <servicename>.service file to /etc/systemd/system Basic .service file


sudo systemctl start <servicename> #starts the service sudo systemctl enable <servicename> #adds to startup

Start command at bootup in a screen instance, accessible by user

runuser -l <USER> -c 'screen -dm -S <sessionname> <command>'

CUPS info

lpstat -t

Save Ping output

use to roughly target time frame of unexpected system outages ping -D -i 10 >> pinghist

Pretty print uptime alias

alias uptime = 'uptime -p'