tail -f for Windows Powershell

Get-Content ./log.log -Wait -Tail 10

Get HASH of file

certutil -hashfile "filename"

By default it will return the SHA1 hash, if you want to use a different hash algorithm;

certutil -hashfile "filename" <hashalgo>

Where <hashalgo> can be one of;

  • MD2
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512

Get HASH of every file in directory

for %F in (*) do @certutil -hashfile "%F"

Get password from app pool

cd C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
.\appcmd.exe list apppool "SmartSearch4" /text:*

Get Server uptime

wmic path Win32_OperatingSystem get LastBootUpTime

Get Return code of last script/command




echo %ErrorLevel%